Comment 78723

By native Hamiltonian (anonymous) | Posted June 20, 2012 at 10:52:21 in reply to Comment 78720

The reasons for low to negative growth in the lower city have much to do with the aging population and the fact that most young people with families who have the means to do so choose to live outside Wards 2 and 3. The closings of all area high schools certainly adds to this downward spiral of economically mobile families. The suburbs are growing while the urban core is stagnate. The other reason ward 3 in particular is not growing but remaining stagnate or witnessing a reduction in population is that the ward is already fully developed and redevelopment is not really wanted through the more desirable south side while the north side is home to the city's poorest. Where are developers going to find a desirable location to redevelop? It is true some illegal multifamily dwellings are being converted back to single family dwellings and that the proliferation of multifamily dwellings has been slowed by by law enforcement, denial of permits etc, but I would not characterize that as significant.

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