Comment 78718

By djfern (registered) | Posted June 20, 2012 at 09:35:54 in reply to Comment 78700

Fair enough. I mostly agree.

I don't think I said change would come swiftly or be exactly like Toronto. And I don't agree with your statement that it's apples to cabbages.

Leslieville is located in the heart of a formerly industrial area. And it's still very industrial to the south of Eastern ave. Yes, there's traditionally been more real estate pressure in Toronto.

I think one can argue that these pressures are now spilling over into Hamilton. And with a full-day GO line coming in, I think it's fair to speculate that these pressures could very well increase substantially in the near future (economic collapse or peak oil notwithstanding).

In comparing what happened to Leslieville to what could happen to east downtown Hamilton, I'm not trying to gloss over the fact that it will be different here, or take longer, or maybe even not happen at all. But as this is my own experience, where I lived and worked for 5 years, I can see similarities and I think those similarities are worth looking at.

Between where I live now and where Leslieville was 15 years ago we have:

1) Economically depressed neighbourhood 2) Close to large and shrinking industrial area 3) Minutes from the downtown of a major city 4) Clear lack of resources 5) Lack of successful, thriving main streets. 6) Tonnes of zoning issues 7) High proportion of renters

I'm not suggesting that what ever happens to the east downtown of Hamilton will be the same as Leslieville - and in fact, I'd go further to say I wouldn't want that. I don't personally care for shmancy restaurants, designer baby boutiques and 10 coffee shops per square inch. I'm suggesting there are similar forces at work. And yes, they are different too, but not so different that it doesn't warrant a closer look.

Thanks for the discussion!

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