Comment 78700

By Sucralost (anonymous) | Posted June 19, 2012 at 23:05:13 in reply to Comment 78685

Of course having Main and King fully two-way will make them more pedestrian-friendly. It's the apparent non-sequitur about the gentrification of Toronto neighbourhoods subject to considerably different dynamics that elicit raise eyebrows, not merely the comparison to Toronto. You can cite case studies about how gentrification has proceeded in Williamsburg as well, but again, the local real estate considerations are entirely germane to the investments taking place. It is not a matter of stubborn Hamilton pride and more a matter of there being a vastly different local economy, developer culture and real estate psychology. We all understand the textbook gentrification recipe, but it's the rate of chanhe that will vary from market to market. What took 20 years to accomplish in the hothouse market boom of Canada's largest city will take slightly longer in a city whose economy and investment have been gravitating toward the outer-ring since the turn of the century. Those decisions have little to do with the scarcity or plenitude of two-way, livable, multi-use streets and everything to do with political convenience and ROI. It's certainly not that we are incapable of appreciating nice things or that we take broad exception at being compared to Toronto. That wasn't the thought I was attempting to convey.

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