Comment 78689

By djfern (registered) | Posted June 19, 2012 at 18:29:24 in reply to Comment 78688

I'm saying that Torontonians who think stupid, untrue things about Hamilton are as ignorant as Hamiltonians who think stupid, untrue things about Toronto.

Going to Toronto for a Jay's game or Mississauga to catch a flight isn't going to give you any idea at all about Toronto.

And I happen to live here in Hamilton and I chose to do that to get away from the gridlock and the density and posturing that you hate so much. But I can still appreciate what's good about Toronto, and there's lots, and also appreciate what's good about Hamilton - and there's lots of that too. It's not either or for me.

But, you're trolling, and I'm biting, so yeah. I'll stop now. Keep hating Toronto if that floats your goat. I've got better things to do than hate a city...

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