Comment 78682

By Hammer head (anonymous) | Posted June 19, 2012 at 16:10:32

"If I want a blow job and a lizard, however, I'm in luck."

Well, you might think so at first, but as a Hamilton "lifer" let me suggest that availing yourself of either of those seemingly attractive purchase opportunities is likely to result in an exotic, persistent, and rather nasty fungal infection that most would say was not worth it.

That said we do have more medical facilities per person here than most anywhere else, so if the 6 month wait list for the tropical disease specialist does not seem excessive then I'd say go for it. Jump in with both feet and get the full "Hammer welcome package with happy ending"! If you pay cash for the lizard they will probably throw in your first package of live meal worms for free. Try finding a deal like that in Toronto.

Shame about your car. Drive more aggressively in the future and you'll be fine. The key to surfing the Green Wave is to stay as close to the front of the pack as possible at all times, and solve all driving issues with the gas pedal, never the brake.

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