Comment 78632

By Steve (registered) | Posted June 18, 2012 at 14:05:13

For restaurants, you'll have to go a little farther east for now.

There's a new restaurant/deli opened last week in the former Apollo at King East & Garfield North, there's Randy's burgers at King East & Spadina, which seems popular though I found them too salty.

No Gibson NA, there were some folks who tried to start one a few years ago, but they were a little naive and their one meeting was 'hi-jacked'. I don't think they had the stomach or drive for the long term thank-less slog it takes to establish a NA and then actually keep it going. I think they hoping they'd have one meeting and then a bunch of others jump up and run the show.

Have you been to The Pearl Company yet? If not, go! You'll do better to find and support the positives in the neighbourhood vs. focusing on the negatives. The Pearl Company seems to be one of the positives, but can it have spin offs? None yet, but one can always hope.

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