Comment 78435

By Borrelli (registered) | Posted June 13, 2012 at 09:39:19

Maybe the Board is just trying to exhaust us into compliance, so I resisted the urge to write another long email in response to this sad communique and just left it at:

Ms. Bishop:

Feeling cornered into making the cheapest, least risky option does not abdicate you of your responsibility to vigorously represent the best interests of Ward 1 and 2 residents. It took you over two weeks to draft this response to constituents, and it does nothing to ease the betrayal I felt after your vote. Your choices to close schools and move the HQ represent a broad retreat of the HWDSB from the most densely populated and neediest areas in Hamilton, and many of us downtown now know we cannot count on our School Board representatives to stand up for our interests. We will not forget this.

Comment edited by Borrelli on 2012-06-13 09:39:29

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