Comment 78349

By lorne (registered) - website | Posted June 12, 2012 at 06:25:23 in reply to Comment 78331

After the protest, I approached the Sweet office, which was being protectively monitored by the police. An officer, standing in front of the door, told me it was closed. I told him that it was supposed to be open, as this was during Sweet's official constituency office hours.

Looking inside, I saw a man sitting there, so I knocked on the window. He came to the door and identified himself as the office manager. I asked him why the door was locked, and he said it was because of the protest and that he feared some disruption, or words to that effect. He also informed me that Sweet was in Ancaster for their Heritage Days festivities, but I told him that he was wrong to be trying to prevent access to the office, thereby thwarting democracy, and he said I could always make an appointment to discuss my concerns with Sweet.

I asked him to deliver a message to my M.P., to the effect that while he might like to lock out protesters, we aren't going away, and that next time the crowd will be bigger.

By the way, the next scheduled protest is at the same site this Wednesday at 5:30 P.M.

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