Comment 78318

By H+H (registered) - website | Posted June 11, 2012 at 16:28:42

Have to agree that we've got plenty of cynicism.

In this particular case, I think that's because of what actually happened. If you were cynical before, this situation fuelled your cynical fire. If you weren't so cynical before, it very likely pushed you over the edge. Look at the evidence. It's all still there in the public domain for us to review. The online streaming of Council and of the Spec Editorial Board, the videotape of Mr. Bratina's speech, the email to the Spec, the comments to the media - all raise questions of intent.

Mr. Basse seems to have spent a lot of his time and his text talking about Ms. Chapman's salary, which Mr. Hatch did not question, although he may have disagreed with it.

As I've said from the very beginning, for me this has never been about the salary itself. I don't know if Ms. Chapman is worth what she's paid, but I don't question the amount for the position. For me, this has always been about the labyrinthian logic and the incomprehensibly inept commentary of Mr. Bratina about the matter. Still is.

Andrew Dreschel said it the other day, that this mayor has a couple of embarrassing firsts as his claim to fame not even halfway through his term. Let's all agree that Mr. Bratina's time in office will go down in history. Why, it already has.

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