Comment 78213

By SpaceMonkey (registered) | Posted June 08, 2012 at 16:42:51 in reply to Comment 78210

Beggars can't be choosers. ie. there aren't many studies around on this sort of thing. It's not like we're studying drugs here. That said, here is one.

Lyles R. W., Faulkner C. D., Syed A. M., July 2000 "One of the most comprehensive documentations of the issues related to one-way/two-way street conversions (concluded that) the key arguments advanced for converting two-way streets to one-way in the literature are; low cost of implementation (relative to street widening), increased capacity, decrease in number of stops, increased speed of vehicles, perceived safety (pedestrians face traffic from only one direction), reduction in accidents, and ease of maintaining signal progression. On the negative side is the issue of driver confusion (especially for non-local drivers disruptive impact of business operations on affected and neighborhood streets, pedestrians being forced to cross more lanes of traffic."

Yeah, I know it's not screaming out in favour of One Way, but it doesn't scream out in favour of Two Way either.

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