Comment 78209

By SpaceMonkey (registered) | Posted June 08, 2012 at 16:01:28 in reply to Comment 78147

Thanks for the example David. Anyone doing 65 km/h on Spadina is an absolute idiot. People like that shouldn't have a driver's license.

I have a question though. How do you know these people are using Spadina to get from/to King/main? Can you see them do the whole stretch? How can you not be sure that the speeders in question don't live on the street or are visiting someone on the street? The reason I ask is because it doesn't make any sense to use Spadina to go up or down to access Main or King. The only people I can think of that it makes sense for to use Spadina would be people leaving Adelaide Hoodless School and wanting to travel West, or people leaving Church on Sunday. What am I missing (I'm asking because I'm curious, not in a smart ass way)?

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