Comment 7815

By Bob Bratina (anonymous) | Posted July 01, 2007 at 11:57:03

This plan has been under development for some time. Part of it involves Mr. Braley's intent to see Hamilton's downtown revitalized and dove-tails nicely with the Civic Centre concept involving a new City Hall/Board of Education/YMCA co-operative development on the site of City Hall. Among the synergies are simple things like sharing the Council Chambers, meeting rooms, building costs, etc. Commercial development on the Board site would provide significant revenue from assessment to underwrite a large part of the Civic Centre construction costs.
Meetings were held as long ago as 18 months to engage the Board and the City, and we should see some results one way or another before the end of the month if all goes well. In addition to this there is promise of significant development at Jackson Square with regard to the market, the plaza, and in the best of my worlds a redesign of the King and James entrance to Jackson Square. If so this would mean significant new players in the downtown development scene which should dispel the lethargy demonstrated by the old guard over the past decade and more. Obviously there needs to be sound business cases for any development,but also visionary principles, which I can assure you is the case with the "new" group.
Bob Bratina.

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