Comment 78096

By kettal (registered) | Posted June 07, 2012 at 13:28:54 in reply to Comment 78053

Sure, it's pretty common among RTH types - downtowners who are trying to save their neighborhoods and chart an urban future for Hamilton. But it's not common at all among councillors, city staff, and the suburban interests that seem to dominate the agenda in this city.

I originally wrote that sentence towards RTH, but I thought it was too combative so I changed it to Hamilton.

We've already got a guy like Rob Ford - squishier but no less intransigent. It's not time to make concessions. It's time to make ambitious demands and reset the agenda. Don't you think?

I have to admit I don't know much about Bob Bratina, but I remember his council career was focused on downtown revitalization, and he went on a famous rampage against his colleagues when they cancelled a plan to redesign some downtown streets.

Has he abandoned all of his principles already?

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