Comment 78081

By slodrive (registered) | Posted June 07, 2012 at 11:22:45

I think the one-way streets downtown have to go. My environmental antennae perk up a bit at the worry of slowing traffic, but it just seems two way makes too much sense.

For an intra-city highway to work, I think it has to be done like the Linc. No adjacent residences that have to deal with it -- in a matter of speaking.

The only question I do wonder about...and I'll throw this out for some if Main and King were predominately commercial corridors, with all adjacent streets being two-way - and flourishing, would we be having this conversation?

Or, more brashly, if the adjacent neighbourhoods had the attraction of a James North, coupled with a regularly busy Copps and Hamilton Place, would a more hybrid approach be more palatable? Would we want traffic on certain 'light-residential' corridors to be quicker to bring visitors to the venues or neighbourhoods of interest...while maintaining livability in the surrounding streets.

(Edit: And, does the one way make it any easier to be adapted for LRT?)

Just thinking out loud here. But, I do believe the situation dictates what makes the most sense. In the here and now, I think two-way makes most sense. Interested in comments on the above, though.

Comment edited by slodrive on 2012-06-07 11:25:11

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