Comment 78053

By Al Huizenga (anonymous) | Posted June 07, 2012 at 07:51:07

Hi Kent! I'm certainly not equipped to debate an urban planning technician about traffic management, but I have to disagree with this:

"One-way streets are incompatible with walkable, livable streets."
This sentiment is all too common in Hamilton.

Sure, it's pretty common among RTH types - downtowners who are trying to save their neighborhoods and chart an urban future for Hamilton. But it's not common at all among councillors, city staff, and the suburban interests that seem to dominate the agenda in this city.

There's probably a reasonable technical conversation to be had about whether we can accomplish the goals of livability and walkability with one- or two-way streets. I just think it's the wrong conversation for right now.

We've already got a guy like Rob Ford - squishier but no less intransigent. It's not time to make concessions. It's time to make ambitious demands and reset the agenda. Don't you think?

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