Comment 77968

By CouldaWouldaShoulda (anonymous) | Posted June 05, 2012 at 08:57:45 in reply to Comment 77952


Other than in exceotional situations...say in the form of a brand-new development, for example in a part of town where nothing has happened for the longest time...councillors 'lead' only when they have the clear indication from their residents that where they're leading to is where people (not 'all', but 'enough') want to go.

Within the context of this city, of Hamilton, I think that 'leadership' in the form you're talking about is dormant. (At the very least, we've seen it lacking in the garbage issue, with ward boundary reform, and recently in responding to The Hamiltonian's efforts with their 'Perspectives Virtual Panel' regarding the City's goal of being 'The Best Place to Raise a Child, with 13/16 on Council not responding to the request for input)

"You don't ask, you don't get."

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