Comment 77899

By Berm (anonymous) | Posted June 03, 2012 at 06:16:25 in reply to Comment 77898

Stoplights are usually the most expensive form of pedestrian crosswalk, especially if Main goes two-way.

Signalled crosswalks might be needed at various intersections across the city. I imagine that the city has tipping points for warranting investment, probably involving anecdotal evidence as the "worth a closer look" trigger.

What you've seen in the last year on this very blog is that a community activist raises a red flag, the community rallies around the cause, the ward councillor decides whether or not to back the resulting community request, the traffic engineers add their two cents and council decides whether the outlay is warranted. This was the case when Councillor McHattie put forward a motion for a crosswalk at Aberdeen & Kent, thereby sparing nearby residents a 400m walk.

In commenting on this intersection, you're in the starting blocks. Your councillor is familiar with these concerns now and should be able to shepherd you through the process.

Either that or roll the dice. Trust that City Hall feels your pain and is already on the case. That's inherently risky. Poulette/Main may be 250m from Dundurn/Main, but it's just 140m from Locke/Main (Strathcona is 200m from both).

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