Comment 77786

By RB (registered) | Posted June 01, 2012 at 13:27:08 in reply to Comment 77759

There are enough thoroughfares already in place; Burlington St is fine... The ones on King & Main unfortunately tend to hurt local business & general walk-ability.

Yes, they might get people from East to West faster, but at what cost? A few extra minutes spent in my car is something I'd G L A D L Y pay in return for a walkable, people-friendly city where business can rely on foot-traffic & I'm not terrified to take my kids anywhere on their bikes.

Also, a spin off might be that if people have to spend a few extra minutes in their cars, they might deem it not worthwhile to live so far away (Stoney Creek or Burlington), and in turn might be tempted to move into the city/downtown to be closer to work.

That can't be a bad thing...

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