Comment 77481

By Mithril Grill (anonymous) | Posted May 29, 2012 at 13:24:08 in reply to Comment 77479

Even aside from the Cats, the stadium debate also animated dreams about a rejuvenated waterfront, exacerbated upper/lower, east/west, urban/suburban tensions and sparked debate about the limits and purpose of public investment as an economic developemnt tool. The story/issue had visibility and staying power because of this layered meaning that arose from being sited at the crossroads of so many robust narratives. That and the constantly telescoping deadlines as well as the operatic events around the municipal election pushed the watchability meter into the red again and again. It's hard for me to think of another issue that would offer so much to work with. But then this is a surprising place with a legendary capacity for folly and outrage, so I'm prepared to eat my shoe.

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