Comment 77206

By DowntownInHamilton (registered) | Posted May 23, 2012 at 08:18:31 in reply to Comment 77180

"I should also add that I'm doubtful about the benefits of public education campaigns to change behaviour: all motorists and the vast majority of adult cyclists have drivers licences and even child cyclists know that you should stop at stop signs and traffic lights. Everyone knows the speed limit is 100km/h on the QEW, but even the police drive at 120km/h!"

This is why we need better enforcement and ways to complain about the 'do as I say, not as I do' mentality our police officers have nowadays. How many times have you seen one blow through a red light or stop sign for no apparent reason? Or where they put their lights on or a quick toot on the horn to go through? I see it almost daily.

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