Comment 77121

By Brian C (anonymous) | Posted May 18, 2012 at 21:02:57

Any street whether it's one way or two is an expressway if it does not have curbside parking. Look what has happened to Wilson St. To make it two way they removed the curbside parking and now it is most unfriendly to pedestrians. Perhaps my concern with the conversions to two way is that they have been done so badly. All you need to do is paint a yellow line down the middle and let traffic deal with it. Our traffic department has created so many dangerous intersections that it is no wonder there have been pedestrian deaths on James St. In their efforts to manipulate traffic they have created numerous intersections where cars are traveling directly head on into oncoming traffic. Designated turning lanes create a distraction for drivers and anxiety when trying to cut through gaps in traffic. Just imagine what Main and King and Cannon would look like if they simply allowed curbside parking both sides from Dundurn to the east end. Then synchronize the traffic lights to 30 km. Many problems would be solved by those two changes. When people see the success of downtown Dundas, Locke St. or James N, they assume it is because of two way traffic. But they all have natural traffic calming with curbside parking. If you want to change to two way just paint a line down the middle of the street or perhaps simply let cars park along the curb instead.

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