Comment 77034

By Sigma Cub (anonymous) | Posted May 16, 2012 at 22:12:05

There may be an underserved transit market in the old city, but in the age of regional integration, it remains to be said that we've done a lousy job of bringing skeptics around. The report reveals a poverty of transit in almost everywhere but the lower city. Proportionately, I don't know if transit mapping would have looked significantly different in 1950.

The whole creative industries math is another kettle of lutefisk. As with the ineluctable magic of two-way streets, there's a great deal of ambiguity around causality and hence EcDev arguments. What other sector of the economy saw such lavish tax incentives strewn about? What other trope seized the media's imagination as surely as "Art Is The New Steel"? Cultural vitality makes a city more vibrant. There are excellent reasons to convert various streets from one-way to two. I'm not convinced that creative industries are the golden ticket is all. (Google "Creative Placemaking Has An Outcomes Problem" for starters.) Walkability is beneficial to all and should be appreciable by all. If it's about serving the needs of bohemians whose raison d'etre is catalysing real investment, that strikes me as a problematic rationale. Two cents.

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