Comment 76941

By johnfdavidson20 (anonymous) | Posted May 16, 2012 at 07:54:47

One way streets do have merit in a modern world. I had heard from several sources that the main push for two way streets was from merchants who wanted people to slow down and look at their stores (a first step to impulse buying). I actually do like driving north on James St which wasn't possible when I first moved to this area.

Tied into the one way street was synchronized traffic lights which minimized stop and go driving. Stop and go driving is harder on the car, harder on the atmosphere and I would add harder on the nerves (meaning more conducive to road rage.

All that versus a closer community feeling, out of towners not getting lost navigating to their destination (one example being Main and King St numbers not aligning very well). I am not sure of the safety differences as I can see how each system has its own unique contribution to accidents.

In the future perhaps we will be using mass transport more and there will be a reduction in percentage of people driving and you will primarily be interested in getting to where you want quicker and at less expense. The car is a dangerous and expensive toy.

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