Comment 76877

By jason (registered) | Posted May 14, 2012 at 09:15:21 in reply to Comment 76870

I was referring to the mayor's position, but in reality it could also be driven by a small group of councillors. We have some incredible plans on the table at city hall from LRT to walkability to cycling to urban business district development etc.... but nobody is keeping the vision stoked and on the front-burner. Whether one likes previous mayors like Fred or Larry, the fact is, they had a vision and they kept it before the public and before council. Right now the public has no clue what, if any vision is being moved forward at city hall. And when you visit and learn about other cities we're competing with, it's scary to be in such a lax, loose mindset. Other cities are aggressively moving forward because they know their survival depends on it. So should we.

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