Comment 76411

By adrian (registered) | Posted May 02, 2012 at 22:33:24 in reply to Comment 76396

I'm still trying to make peace with the idea that we're in bed with the Vranich family on these projects, but I'm glad to see evidence of progress.

I understand where you're coming from but I think it's important not to use phrases like "Vranich family". Denis Vranich is a disgrace. Charges against him for corruption were tossed out on a technicality, namely that Gordon Moodie, the former head of the downtown residential loan program and the alleged recipient of a bribe from Denis Vranich, was not a "municipal official", but was just a city employee. On the other hands, both criminal charges and a civil lawsuit against Denis Vranich for sexually assaulting one of his employees stuck.

His father Darko, however, is not in this category, although it is true that the bribery charge was related to his company. But Denis is literally a criminal, and his father is not.

As far as this loan + grant is concerned, at this point I can't make peace with the city being "in bed" with Denis and I don't think I likely ever will. With his criminal history he probably couldn't get a job as a city employee, but we're going to just give him $330k? That doesn't seem right to me.

Comment edited by administrator adrian on 2012-05-02 22:36:29

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