Comment 76111

By Fred Street (anonymous) | Posted April 21, 2012 at 17:05:14 in reply to Comment 76104

If I remember my Hamilton demography correctly, families tend to be more common the further you get from King and James, which might account for some of the residents-per-voter fluctuation. That and the trickle-out of residents in wards 1-5 since amalgamation will distort the picture somewhat.

Interesting that 7 and 8, which usually have the highest voter turnout, seem to be actually less civically engaged per elector than wards like 2 and 3, which usually take silver and gold for worst voter turnout relative to electorate population.

On balance, though, the push for more equitable distribution of ward power will probably impact the mid-mountain wards more than any others (eg. make four or five wards from wards 6-8). The old city had a polar 5:5 balance of upper-to-lower city that kept interests fairly balanced. Now, it's more like a 5:10 balance.

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