Comment 76079

By mystoneycreek (registered) - website | Posted April 20, 2012 at 08:24:24

While it may be true that "no destiny-altering votes have taken place because of imbalances in our ward representation" during the current term of council,

To clarify, I was referring to the fact that Wards 7 & 8 have not suffered in any critical project decision-making vote that, for the sake of argument, might have turned out differently had there been an additional ward on 'the Mountain'. (Correct me if I'm wrong.) I was not addressing anything outside of that, especially as I agree with what John has said here.

(And I'm obliged to note that The Hamiltonian has received a response from Councillors Whitehead and Duvall: It seems that Councillors that represent the two most populated wards in the city, we have spent a lot of time meeting and speaking with residents of our wards in the last several years. And at no time did anyone come forward and stated that we need more politicians, need to spend more money and that the current governance structure is not effective.

Comment edited by mystoneycreek on 2012-04-20 08:26:15

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