Comment 76029

By Borrelli (registered) | Posted April 18, 2012 at 10:02:52

The point is that if you look for it you can be offended by anything you really want to be. Should we be more careful with our language? Probably. Can we go too far? Easily. What's the right answer? Not a clue.

Where are those little clapping smiley emoticons when you need them?

I have to say, I really dislike political correctness in language because I don't see any reasonable way to stop the use of certain words outside of strict censorship. However, I do have to admire you, Michelle, for role modelling the desired behaviour (i.e. acceptable word choice) rather than relying on censorship or shaming (which usually ends up reinforcing the original behaviour).

Showing people that a higher standard of speech is possible is maybe the best solution that doesn't run head-first into people's rights in a liberal democracy.

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