Comment 75915

By We ARE smrt! (anonymous) | Posted April 13, 2012 at 15:04:20 in reply to Comment 75887

Yes you are right, in my previous note above, your previous comment about Dufferin/Ferguson councillor was 'pushed' a bit--but in context.
Ryan writes above, "but even better is the fact that other sources..." and, for certain, RTH itself is very much an important part of this. I still think you're being a bit easy on the Spec; citizens of Hamilton could post here acres and acres [& hectares] of examples over recent decade and a half, to keep it memory-local, of Spec suppressing by omission, as someone I know says--suppression both deliberate and obliviously. As John Doyle in the Globe likes to say, "don't get me started." We readers and attention-paying folks in town--vastly increasing in number, be praised--have not just long memories, but important useful memory: what Spec didn't cover, or bent. It comes into play when dead-mass Spec and its writers (including 'columnist') become self-aggrandizing, self-righteous, supercilious, [let's have a modifier contest here...]. And never mind local radio.
Media idiocy is a disease, and in Hamilton for a long time, its been a contagious one. If anybody in Comments is tweaking a bit at RTH, it isn't to diminish nor disparage RTH's role over several years now. Torstar boards have shuddered when deciding if Spec is worth keeping, and recent news reports show that Torstar is planning competition for itself, so to speak, in Hamilton, very soon.

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