Comment 75909

By Finding Nebo (anonymous) | Posted April 13, 2012 at 12:08:59 in reply to Comment 75905

Meaningless in terms of revelatory power is what I was going for.

It's a perfectly valid observation that everyone is creative (I made just that point) but its scope is sufficiently broad that it seems to encompass most of the economy. Arts workers are a sliver of the high-value core that drives the creative class model; universities and life sciences (the publicly funded behemoths of Hamilton's economy) would be part of the a meatier portion that includes engineers, architects and possibly public servants, think-tankers, policy analysts etc.

Public funding of those sectors is not inconsiderable. And beyond that, in the realm of "creative professionals," I see things as murkier still. If a city attracts greater numbers of high-tech firms, CEOs, lawyers, bankers, doctors, engineers, architects, professors, etc and the city's standard of living goes up, that doesn't strike me as much of a a "aha" moment. His positioning of creativity as a commodity/consumer good is more intriguing to me but it's maybe a little loaded if the public come to regard it as the lone value. Maybe I'm off-base (this was been in vogue locally since the DiIanni years), but Florida himself eventually came to acknowledge the limits of these interventions, and the recognition that "Different eras favor different places, along with the industries and lifestyles those places embody."

So again, it's down to the question voiced at the outset: What are we to be?

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