Comment 75814

By DanielRodrigues (registered) - website | Posted April 10, 2012 at 07:19:01

While the map of coffee houses is nice to see, I think it is a little misleading on a couple of fronts:

1) The list shows only the first Tim Horton's. Whether this is just for posterity, it could lead one to believe that Store #1 offers more than the other 100-odd locations in and around the City, which it doesn't.

2) By the inclusion of Starbucks, Tim's, and Second Cup (which are both incomplete for number of locations as well), credit should be given to the big giant who is taking a bite out of Tim's coffee sales: McDonald's. With the introduction of their McCafe and modifications to their interior, MickyD's is vying to compete with Tim's and the independents.

3) And to the above points, I'd like to see a map showing only independent coffee houses. The Corporate guys are plentiful and visual, while it's often difficult to find those indies when in an unfamiliar communinity.

As a side note to the growing trend in coffee consumption, it should be noted that the combined growth in coffee sales in Canada through Tim Horton's and McDonald's, coupled with the rapid growth of consumption of coffee in India and China...and then add-in the continued development of independent and "fair-trade" coffee houses, that coffee prices will continue to increase, and availability of securing "green" beans will become increasingly difficult.

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