Comment 75782

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted April 09, 2012 at 05:10:14 in reply to Comment 75778

I don't really understand your comment.

The city needs to re-design Longwood between Main and Aberdeen because of the change in use of the Camco site from a factory and warehouse to a research campus with a much higher population.

The campus design will deliberately promote walking and cycling both within the site and in connections to the main McMaster campus, Westdale and downtown.

The City has asked for comments on the proposed plan, which is clearly inconsistent with the original goals of both McMaster and the City itself in its initial consultations.

I agree that we need to look at all roads, but the City is re-designing Longwood now, not King and Main and Dundurn. In any case, if they can't get a short stretch of Longwood right, there is no way they are going to put physically separated lanes on Main and King!

Longwood will also provide part of an alternative route between Westdale and downtown (there will be a path through the site via Chatham to Dundurn St).

By the way, the MIP is in Kirkendall, not Durand, so it would primarily benefit Kirkendall and Westdale residents getting to and from MIP or between Westdale and downtown. In any case, the vast majority of Durand residents live in apartments and it has a very high concentration of recent immigrants, which makes the 'bourgeois' comment a bit mysterious.

Comment edited by kevlahan on 2012-04-09 05:22:35

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