Comment 75657

By Oobie Doobie (anonymous) | Posted April 03, 2012 at 11:33:11

More illegal dumping at Vranich site
Kaz Novak/The Hamilton...DUMPING

Fill dumped a site on Queen Streen North is spread by bulldozer.12
There’s been more illegal dumping at Darko Vranich’s Queen St. N property.

Vrancor Group, owned by Hamilton developer Darko Vranich, is coming under fire for dumping construction fill onto a Queen Street North property without the city's permission. City staff say the amount of debris dumped on the site requires a permit and say they asked twice for the company to complete the paperwork without receiving a response.

Vrancor spokesperson Tyler McDiarmid told the Spec last week that the company applied for the paperwork during the second last week of March, but couldn't specify the specific day.

However, Councillor Brian McHattie says Vrancor officials only applied for the permit last Friday, March 30. McHattie says more fill was illegally dumped on the property overnight.

No one from Vrancor was available to comment.

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