Comment 75480

By neighbour? (anonymous) | Posted March 27, 2012 at 20:40:19

This parking lot backs against my property on Ray St. N. Its not only 55 Queen St. N. Vranich is setting his half ass parking lot but also across the street using the space at old Special needs services building at 356 King St. W. which is also besides the you guessed it 'Vrancor Hospitality Building'. I guess this man wont stop until he turns our entire city to a massive parking lot! I am so disgusted i want to vomit right now! What happened to Hotel plan for this space? The land grade looks like crap now with all that dirt from the federal building he used to fill it up. Who is going to pay for the cleaning bill of all that dust and dirt that flew over on to my property? I thought so...GREED he rushed to get this done so he could charge and make $ from the around the bay race last sunday. I cant believe that people with BMW, porche and mercedes actually parked on top of that dirt. You should have seen all those dirty cars. Also I can see part of that new grade collapse and cause a avalanche taking all the cars down with it.

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