Comment 75475

By moylek (registered) - website | Posted March 27, 2012 at 16:41:17

"The Hamilton Peoples Square"?

I'm just fine with Gore Park, thanks: it's short, unambiguous, has the comfortable heft of tradition and doesn't sound like something out Mao's China or Stalin's Russia or the Marxist Banana Republic of your choice.

As for "Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Promenade"? Well, I don't share Ryan's queasiness regarding of royal side of our constitutional-monarchial tradition. Both the heel-dragging traditionalism of the Royal side and the progress-as-we-define-it-at-any-cost parliamentary side (to simply rather grossly) have led to excess and injustice and bloodshed.

We are the heirs to the fruits of the creative tension between the two strands. The monarchy is now, obviously, primarily symbolic. But that symbolism must be exercised if it is to have any impact - and one way is to use the epithet Royal for institutions; another is to have important things named after the head of state.

So I'm not at all opposed to having something named after the Queen on the occasion of her diamond jubilee. I just don't think that it's a good idea to replace the eight letters and two syllables of "Gore Park" with the 24 characters and sixteen syllables of that mouthful of proposal.

Comment edited by moylek on 2012-03-27 16:52:37

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