Comment 74884

By JP (registered) | Posted February 29, 2012 at 13:51:05

I actually support the 12 storey limit outside of the downtown core. I've worked on a couple of residential construction projects that were condos built on infill sites in Toronto. One particular project was just 14 storeys, had 142 units and had a construction budget of around $16 million. The project had a finished value of $29 million. It wasn't in a ritzy neighborhood and involved parceling 4 standard residential lots together. Builders CAN make money on smaller projects, I know firsthand.

I feel a 12 storey limit would create buildings that fit in better with the existing neighborhoods while still improving upon density. Think of that new condo on the corner of Dundurn and Aberdeen (the name escapes me at the moment) versus that really tall octagonal building on Charlton Ave E. We don't need a Parisian or Manhattan population density there's just no demand for it right now. Another thought is that the smaller the project, the less risk there is for the developer. Less risk might mean that more developers are willing to make a go of a particular project or site.

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