Comment 74827

By Jo (registered) | Posted February 28, 2012 at 13:21:31 in reply to Comment 74825

Itinerant staff counts for some of that number... I heard that 80+ special ed consultants come and go to the Ed Centre as they don't have office space, but jump school to school. Also, if the Ed Centre moves downtown, Facilities Management (boilermakers, electricians, glass workers, maintenance staff etc.) probably never will as they have MANY large industrial vehicles need to be parked overnight.

Also, I work at the Ancaster Memorial building, and we run training out of this builidng... which means, on any given day, there are 30-100 extra cars in the lot for teachers/principals coming here for a day's inservice or training session. About 50 people work in my building, but there are always dozens more here for meetings and inservices.

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