Comment 74791

By Robert D (anonymous) | Posted February 27, 2012 at 18:12:36 in reply to Comment 74784

You have both (MyStoneyCreek and Highwater) made important points and contributed to this discussion.

I think it's important to know that some people out there think that there was a process, and no one participated in it.

I also think it's equally important to question whether that statement is accurate, and to consider evidence that suggests the decision was made 1) in advance, 2) without little or no input, 3) in a closed process, 4) and that what little input was solicited was ignored (for reasons that are remain unsatisfactorily explained).

Both points are important, and you were each right to make that point, but as with the HWDSB the process could leave something to be desired.

It's clear you're both passionate about this issue and this city, but, in my humble opinion, you're both getting too personal. Take a step back and try and write (and read) each other's posts with a little less vitriol, because we need both of you, and people like you (and Jason and Ryan and Mahesh and Capitalist and everyone else), working together if we're ever going to make things better.

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