Comment 74784

By highwater (registered) | Posted February 27, 2012 at 14:33:48 in reply to Comment 74783

What on earth are you talking about? The only thing I am trying to shut down is the inaccurate notion that the board went through an open process that the public failed to participate in.

What 'discussion point' is it exactly that you wish to 'examine'? Oh, and BTW online fora are public.

One would think you'd revel in the chance to put those who have transgressed so baldly against Hamiltonians on the spot, to finally get some 'justice'.

Again, no idea what you are talking about. I have made numerous requests to trustees to release evidence that would disprove some of my contentions, contentions that I arrived at after a thorough examination of what little evidence they have released to date.

and to be accurate, I was relating SOMEONE ELSE'S THOUGHTS

Yes. Relating someone else's falsehood is what is known as perpetuating a falsehood.

Comment edited by highwater on 2012-02-27 14:40:35

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