Comment 74718

By grahamm (registered) | Posted February 23, 2012 at 22:58:52

I'm quite sure that the height restrictions in this document don't directly apply to the downtown area. The report states on page 7:

"Firstly, where specific secondary plans are in effect, other urban design direction may be included as part of the approved secondary plan. Where such direction conflicts with this guideline, the approved secondary plan should prevail."

So I looked up the downtown secondary plan - building heights range from 4 to 15 stories and there is a big area called "Development Permit Area" which seems to be related to provincial legislation.

Link to building height map:

Then I got worried that out of date secondary plans might restrict the changes being described in Nodes & Corridors. The secondary plan for Strathcona, however, has been put on hold pending the outcome of the Nodes & Corridors work.

From what I picked up at a B-Line public meeting, the intention seems to be to increase the allowable building height along the corridors and adjust the commercial/residential mix ratio to permit more residential. Certainly I don't think the city would be quite daft enough to limit downtown development to <6 stories considering the number of existing buildings that exceed that limit.

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