Comment 74300

By PV-Imaging (registered) - website | Posted February 13, 2012 at 17:55:23 in reply to Comment 74268

Yes, during the stadium debate, we proposed using what we referred to as a "Venetian Plate" which over time could be extended over the tracks, connecting the waterfront trail to the west harbour and allowing the CN tracks to remain while creating new developable space above. Its actually a very common construction method used in many large projects around the world. It's simply pilings/caissons that extend above ground level with a structural slab on top. This would allow for all the parking that would have been needed for the stadium underneath the slab, and would have also created the necessary ventilation layer between the toxic brownfields and any developments on top of the plate. Essentially we would have doubled the land use in the west harbour using that method. If you stand along Tiffany at present along the security fence at the old Rheem plant, you can see by looking down that a plate extending over the drop there would have been high enough for potentially 2 levels of parking. When David Adames from the city came to see the stadium design model, he mentioned that we in fact had too much on-site parking for the stadium. Here's a link to the grand vision we proposed.

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