Comment 73733

By H+H (registered) - website | Posted February 05, 2012 at 12:49:11 in reply to Comment 73732

@Screaming Viking I agree. There are two kinds of thinking that I believe we would do well to see more of as it relates to this deal, and every other one for that matter.

Integrated thinking and implicative thinking.

Integrated - having all of the partners, including investors, institutions, citizens (also the primary investors), etc. genuinely sharing. linking, refining and implementing their ideas to ensure that the best possible solution is reached. The best for the most.

Implicative - ensuring we actually consider the immediate and long term implications of each of the key decisions in this deal/process. What happens if we......? Instead, what if we....? Etc. Making decision on what we want as an outcome versus living with the outcomes we don't consider.

This is not happening now, but could and should. Instead, we have individuals, separate interests, undisclosed positions, secret meetings, missing slides presentation, slow to access reports, and on it goes. Not a good state of affairs.

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