Comment 73712

By Too Late (anonymous) | Posted February 04, 2012 at 01:29:54

Thanks Graham, you've nailed it here. Your summary and input are spot on.
However, as I've said before on this topic, we may be a bit late advocating for the Board to stay downtown here. While I firmly believe they should, we, once again, seem to be facing the face saving upshot of a situation that wasn't dealt with pro-actively and logically years ago when it needed to be handled properly. I hope these Hail Mary efforts lead to something but have to wonder why we find ourselves needing to play defense at first and goal once again. The fact that true City-building and downtown preservation/restoration never scores a first down early in the game has me more concerned than what the result of this specific play is. Getting a game plan and sticking with it --- from the atart --- is what we need to change. (Sorry for all the football references here but it is Super Bowl weekend y'know!)

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