Comment 73659

By Basil (anonymous) | Posted February 02, 2012 at 13:28:07 in reply to Comment 73656

Next thing you know, they'll be concentrating retail and residential development on the mountain as well.

Has anyone mapped out how far Mohawk & Upper Wentworth will be from major populations within Hamilton, and whether this location is more or less convenient for the average Hamiltonian?

Wards 7-9, 11, 12 seem like they have been undergoing considerable growth in recent years, while Wards 1-5 have been fairly stagnant.

More to the point, perhaps, Wards 6-8 are home to the most engaged voters in the city, delivering about twice the turnout of Wards 1-3, on average, over the last three elections.

Could it be that city politicians respond to engaged taxpayers (to say nothing of developers)?

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