Comment 73598

By moylek (registered) - website | Posted February 01, 2012 at 12:39:55 in reply to Comment 73593

I concede that urban greenspace is not to be taken for granted,

Are there people who are really worried about the urban greenspace at Bay and King? With Gore Park a block away?

The greenspace in front of the board building is meagre and functionless: you can't pass through it, it doesn't invite you in; it doesn't even look especially nice.

A bit of lawn and tress is pretty much the last thing we should be worrying about in Hamilton, with our downtown hedged in by a waterfront park and the escarpment and Gore Park right at the heart.

But the building - it's a gem in the way that yet another glass-walled early 21st century building is all but bound not to be.

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