Comment 73490

By Argy Bargy (anonymous) | Posted January 30, 2012 at 10:54:44

I wasn't entirely clear, granted, but that's not really what I'm referring to. While both Burke Sci and Hamilton Hall have undergone retrofits, they were never not university buildings. You could point to the Cont Ed "camps" in the former courthouse across from the Sopinka, but again, that was a functional building that (AFAIK), never required much in the way of creative adaptation to fit a purpose. They tweaked their operations to fit a building that they never had any intentions (again, AFAIK) of knocking down. (And it's a red-headed stepchild that always gets left out of the McMaster institutional development highlight reel. In this case, the question is more one of reverse engineering a years-old blue sky architectural concept that (again, AFAIK) always involved knocking down 100 Main West. That's far trickier than goosing an existing building that's in the middle of campus.

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