Comment 73394

By MattJelly (registered) - website | Posted January 27, 2012 at 12:03:03 in reply to Comment 73383

I guess the first question I'd have is how the construction of a second tower would effect the rest of City Hall- would it displace any departments for the duration of construction, due to noise, lack of access, etc.? Is this going to add further to the City's total cost in this entire proposal?

I appreciate Jay's attempt to keep the Board of Ed downtown, but I think he's on the wrong side of Main Street on this. As a major stakeholder in the project, the City should be asking what Dan is asking: why won't the Board of Ed partner with McMaster on the downtown health campus? Why won't the Board of Ed take the same leasing deal the City is expected to accept? Why can't we consider a development that restores and incorporates the current Board of Ed into the new development?

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