Comment 73369

By CCR (anonymous) | Posted January 27, 2012 at 09:41:11

Why is HWDSB moving out of downtown? And why is the city just discounting the 300 jobs that are leaving downtown? Two very troubling questions.

The answer is the employees want a large site with free and convenient parking after they drive to work, that's all. And these sites just don't exist downtown. Which also clearly shows you human (car) nature and that our city isn't ready (congested enough at major attraction points) yet for LRT.

You can't just convince a big office tenant in the private sector to re-locate to downtown Hamilton. Its just not that appealing a place, yet. But you do have stroke with public bodies such as the school board. I say we let Mac follow the natural ebb and flow of things and locate at Innovation Park and make the school board stay downtown. Encourage the development of the west end (MIP) and it will flow into the downtown over ten years anyway (eg. downtown Kitchener from uptown Waterloo).

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