Comment 72296

By H+H (registered) - website | Posted December 15, 2011 at 09:23:46


Love the movie review. I think I saw this one many years ago, perhaps when it first appeared on television. Can't quite remember.

As for the city having a vision, it does and in full it is:

"To be the best place in Canada to raise a child, promote innovation, engage citizens, and provide diverse economic opportunities."

My first wish is 1. Have a fully articulated, communicated and actionable vision for Hamilton that serves as a touchstone and inspires all of its citizens, investors and potential citizens and potential investors to believe in Hamilton's current strengths and future potential; and to refer to that vision on a constant basis to make decisions and to assess progress and success.

Having a vision and putting it on a poster does not make it actionable. Nor does it make it a touchstone. The presentation made to Council this week by Chris Murray and one of his staffers about the strategic plan was appalling. They are still questioning if they have too many, too few, or the right Values. This is 2 years after the above vision was articulated. It exists but is not being used. Let alone operationalized so that every single employee is using it every single day (see Wish #9).

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