Comment 72184

By -Hammer- (registered) | Posted December 12, 2011 at 22:44:48 in reply to Comment 72152

Alright...well given that the mayor is attempting the apologize (poorly in my opinion) for his own indiscretion, I can't really say that calling him out on that indiscretion as a "BS campaign". Especially given that

A)It's backed by fact that even the mayor acknowledges (although feels isn't a big deal, which I suppose is subjective)

and B) Isn't the first time the mayor has done something controversial in the public eye.

Frankly, if any other politician tried to use his bureaucracy as a scapegoat for an unpopular decision he made and got caught in the act, I wouldn't want him to get away with it either without some kind of punishment as a result.

Comment edited by -Hammer- on 2011-12-12 22:50:51

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